Monday, February 18, 2013

Yellow-The Solar Plexus Chakra

The third chakra is the solar plexus, The ancient term is Manipura Mandala (jewel city) is also symbolized by birds. It is situated at he base of the rib cage. It is the foundation of the metal body and allows us to pick up vibrations and essences from people, places and things. 

Each shade of yellow determines it's meaning. 

Yellow is full of creative and intellectual energy. It also deals with identity.

The solar plexus is the center of friendship, personal power, energy and self control, emotional issues and self acceptance. This chakra physically influences muscles, stomach, digestion, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, metabolism and the nervous system.

If this center is blocked you start lacking self esteem, and natural self love. Chances are you are not able to properly focus in business matters or personal matters. You may also find yourself not being able to fulfill your duties or even make right choices. 

When the third chakra is balanced it brings the capacity to accomplish that which we want and allows us to relax and enjoy these accomplishments. We are able to successfully wield our own power and will which attracts prosperity and balance. 

So if you are frustrated and feel that there are just too many demands on you Put some cheery yellow in your life and unblock theses wonderful energies. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Orange-The Sacral Chakra

Orange is a powerful color. It is also the color associated with the Sacral Hara Chakra. 

Orange is one of the healing colors. 

Curiosity is a driving characteristic of orange and with it comes exploration of new things.

Put some orange in your life when you want to spice things up, increase and encourage creativity. 

Place the color orange around the home or office when you want to stimulate creativity,  mental quickness and the ability to adjust to changes.

The color orange is also associated with sexuality and reproduction. 

Visit Creative Images by Jaxs and Kim to put some color in your life.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Color Red and How It's Frequency Effects Our Lives

Red is the color associated with the Root Chakra at the base of the spine (animal or base nature).

Red is associated with fiery heat and warmth. It can also mean danger (burning) and is the warmest of the other colors. 

Red is the preferred color chosen most by extroverts. Males in particular pick red (red sports car). 

The negative side of Red can mean temper or anger.

Red roses symbolize passionate love.

Red is the color of Mars. Mars is known as the God of War.

When you wear red you present yourself as very bold, confident and dynamic. 

If you need the courage to grab the bull by the horns and go after your dreams put the color of red in your life. 

It could be flowers, gems, or even a picture. Whatever your choice know that the frequency of the color of red will strengthen the body, promote will power and courage, add vitality, overcome sexual dysfunctions.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Kim and I recently had a fun day at the beach with some seagulls.

Kim was feeding the seagulls some crackers and I was able to get

some great shots. Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I

enjoyed taking them.

For framed prints, merchandise or digital downloads you can visit

our  site at  Creative Images by Jaxs and Kim

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Thoughts of an Image Writer

"The Thoughts of an Image Writer" 

My partner Kim is publishing her very first book of poetry.

Coming soon will be the release of "The Thoughts of an Image Writer"

Kim and I are working hard at getting things together to Self Publish
her first book. The first format available will be an Ebook and as we obtain the licenses, ISBN, bar codes, LCCN numbers etc. softcover and hardcover versions of the book will be available.
I am currently building a web page for the book. To go to the web site just click on to the link above.
Keep in mind this web page is a work in progress.
Please fell free to give me your comments good or bad. It really helps me to tweak things and make them better.
Have a great day